Designed & created by Jakub Lewandowski2024
Zdjecie projektuZdjecie projektuZdjecie projektu
NameSpotify Hub
Last time edited12.02.2024 22:43

Spotify Hub


This is my attempt of creating SpotifyStats app but better. My idea was to not only create an app where you can check your recently listened artsits or specific tracks but also where you can play games like guessing a track name after listening to its first few seconds etc. Unfortunatly I had to abandon the project due to the fact that these types of games are against Spotify API Terms of Service so I couldn't develop the app even more.

Whats inside?

  • Next.js
  • React
  • Nextauth
  • Chart.js
  • Usage

    If you want to try the app yourself you can check it out under this link


    If you want to try running the app localy and tweak it a little bit - just follow these steps:

    1. Clone the repository
    git clone
    1. Install necessary packages by running
    npm install

    in your project folder 3. Create a .env.local file and fill in the data:

    BASE_URL='http://localhost:3000' # or whatever port you are using

    To get Spotify Client ID and secret you will need to go to Spotify Developer Website, create your project and copy the data from the app dashboard.


    This project is licensed under the MIT License.